Friday, September 24, 2010


A little late on posting this, but we've finally set a date for moving! We'll be getting our moving truck on October 3rd and then will be leaving Missouri on the 4th. We set the date a couple weeks ago, and have been making and finalizing all the plans to make it happen. I'm still a bit in shock that its finally going to happen, I've known its been coming and wishing it'd be here but to actually have the move date set...its just weird. I'm very anxious...excited beyond belief, but extremely nervous at the same time. I've got all these ideas of what it'll be like and I'm hoping that I'm not...putting my standards too high, you know? And that I'll then feel let down. I just need to have faith and know that we'll be taken care of. So anyhow, we have been packing, planning, and trying to soak up as much as we can of being here before we go. I have a hard time letting go of things and big we'll see how I do with this move :) We'll also see how Caleb will do...being in a car for 3 days, staying in hotels, having a complete lifestyle change...for a little while that is. Hopefully I'll be able to do updates of the move, just depends how crazy things get.

On a different note, I've recently been struck with this awareness of how much we cram our lives with pointless...time wasters, information, events, etc. {on a completely different note I know}. And its just really stuck with me. All the technology that we just can't live without and must be connected to, how many things {tv, internet, phones, social events, sports, fashion, etc.} distract from our relationships with our family and ultimately God. Where does the focus need to be and what do we spend more time focusing on? What are we willing to give up? This isn't to be a downer, just something that I've been really thinking about and trying to work on :)

Some Caleb tidbits {because he always lightens things up, and this post kinda needs it}:

~Everything is still all about dogs: he finds a dog in all his books, says the word 'dog' 100 times a day, when he gets up in the morning he wants to see his dog, he even pretends to be a dog sometimes...didn't know they did that this early :)

~He makes the cutest owl sound

~His molars are coming in :(

~Loves to give high-fives and will shake your hand {and kiss it before he lets go...totally his own thing, didn't teach him to}

~Has picked some favorite blankets and stuffed animals {up till recently he hasn't cared much for them}

~Loves to play with his cars and makes car noises

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Instead of TGIF, I'm thinking TGIS(aturday). This week's been a rough one, and I'm kinda glad it's about over. And Caleb's got proof that's its been a rocky ride...

He got this boo-boo yesterday morning {picture doesn't quite capture it}, and its still a mystery how it happened. We know there was a table, blanket, an excited little boy and possibly a toy car involved. I was making the bed when he went running down the hall carrying a blanket and then I heard a crash and then, the crying. I found him sitting by a table in our living room, possible scenarios: Tripped over the blanket fell into the table, had blanket over his head and ran into the table, tripped over the toy car in the hallway and fell into the table. Who knows exactly how it played out but he was definitely beat up with a rug burned cheek, a welt down the side of his face and ear, a scratched up chin and a bloody fat lip. How he managed to do all this with one little spill is beyond me. He was over it after a few minutes of course, even if I wasn't.

The night before that he also took a tumble. He loves trying to get our dog's tail, and for the most part she plays along. She'll sit right in front of him waiting for him to get it and as soon as he tries she'll jump away. Well this particular night he was in his game and was a bit quicker than she expected. When he did get a hold of it and she would try to jump away, Caleb would end up flopping on the ground...he found this hilarious! Until they did this little act on the tile floor and Caleb ended up doing a little twisty flip and hitting his head. That left a nice little knot/bruise {didn't show up in the previous picture, hair was covering it}

The previous day {no falling this time} Caleb's breakfast didn't quite agree with him so he decided to give it back to nice way of saying he threw up on me, twice. Its the first that he's gotten sick and it was kinda scary {first time mom, first time seeing babe not well}, but we made it through it. And in a gross kind of way, it was really sweet. When he didn't know what was going on and was a little scared he came to me, wanted me to make it better. Makes me love being a Mom, even if it means getting thrown up on {now in a few years when he knows what to do he better run to the bathroom, not my lap :) }. The day didn't end much better. During bath time, he learned to lean over and stick his mouth in the water. He had fun with that till he inhaled and sucked in a bunch of water. Caleb's not really much of a crier, but in this instance he was sobbing...really scared him. Took quite a while to get him to calm down.

Each of these cases on their own wouldn't have been a week changing event, but piled on together just made for a rough going week. Along with some bummer let downs with the whole moving situation, I'm looking forward to this next week and hoping it brings some more smiles and less tears.

{A few of the more happier moments of the week}

loves being outside, and watching his daddy

had fun playing with the boxes before we packed them up

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Give me a sign

Figured I needed to do a Caleb update, he's learning and doing new things everyday. I've heard people say that about their child before, but WOW I didn't realize how true it was. I keep thinking he's too young to know how to do some of the things he does...but truth is he's just growing up and I'm having a hard time realizing it :)

*A few months ago at our Dr. checkup, she asked if he was saying sounds or any words...well he'd say mama or dada occasionally and we thought he was trying to say dog but he really didn't say sounds. He did though growl, scream, do motor sounds, all sorts of noises...just not word sounds. I was a tiny {very tiny} bit worried. No worries now! A few weeks ago he just started making actual word sounds and began saying some words quite regularly. Now he'll copy words we say {whether he's actually saying the word or imitating...}. Its so exciting!! But before he started all this, I had something else to be excited about. We worked on signing with Caleb from about 10 months+ and at around 12 months he started really signing and learning them so fast. So I was just excited about the signs and trying to not be too worried about him not saying words. I'm planning on doing a little counter on here to update the # of signs he knows {words are hard because like I said I can't tell if he's just copying or actually saying the word}. As of now he knows to sign food, milk, more, drink, all done, dad, tree, ball, dog, book, cheerios/o's, and...that's all I can think of for now :)

*He loves his dog. Loves to pet her, throw her ball, watch her run, listen to her whine, and tackle her from time to time.

*Loves the outdoors! If you're looking out a window, he's right by your side wanting to look too. One of the few times he throws a fit is when its time to come inside, it just breaks his heart

*Sings E-I-E-I-O whenever he hears "Old McDonald" or sees his Old McDonald book

*Nods his head yes and says "yep" to everything {unless you're telling him 'no', then he shakes is head and says 'noooo'} and he does all this with the funniest expression, usually eyebrows raised

*His hair is getting fairly long and I'm considering a cut...maybe

*He points at everything, walks around w/that little pointer finger stickin out

*Blows kisses

*Wants to read books all. day. long. and usually the same ones over and over {and over}

*Is learning his facial features {all though he still mixes them up}

*Loves shutting doors :)

Here are some pictures of the crazy boy:

trip to the park

after the park :)

{now I have to explain these last I wouldn't usually let him eat ice cream,
BUT he just got his 1 year shots and blood drawn, which was awful.
Plus it made for some cute pictures}